ESL childcare volunteer

Role Summary 
To care for/tutor children of International ESL students; to intentionally share the love of Jesus with children and in doing so be a part of bridging cultures, building friendships, and transforming lives. 

1. A sense of mission or calling from God to serve in this ministry 

2. A love for children and helping them learn

3. Completion of an overview childcare training

4. background check

5. Commitment for one school year (classes run concurrent with school year)

1. Prepare for weekly time with children 

2. Arrange for someone else to teach my class when I can't be there (coordinate with director)

3. Demonstrate and model the love of Jesus in every contact with my ESL students. 

4. Keep weekly class attendance 

5. Pray regularly for and with my students and their families

6. Build friendship with and intentionally share the Gospel with my students 
7. Attend regular teacher/volunteer meetings (typically at the beginning and end of each semester)

What you can expect:
1. New international friendships with students and their families

2. Joy of seeing children learn English and about Jesus

3. Learning about new cultures and ways of life

Volunteer Childcare / tutoring 

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